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Take A Number

I feel sorry for myself and the millions of people who walk into an emergency room, in need of emergency care. In need of urgent repairs.. Just to become a "Take A Number."

Packed into a waiting room that is growing smaller by the minute, sitting closer and closer to the next sick person, packed in like a can of sardines it is getting tight.

Urgent repairs? You're in need of emergency care? Ok.

Your average wait time is 15 hours and 5 minutes, thank you for your visit tonight.

Sent to your seat to sit in defeat you'll wait and you'll wait and you will wait...

because I mean, you really need to be seen. That is indeed why you have finally intervened with the fight that has been going on within your body.

To them you're just a number. One they can even skip right over.. if they feel you're not really as in need. I sat in the presence of emergency care for almost 24 hour and I feel as though I was hardly even seen. My symptoms invalidated, my pain overlooked.

They looked at me in my flesh and said "oh this girl?" "yeah she's good."

Young with fresh skin & rosacea on my cheeks, I do look pretty healthy but on the inside not everything is how it seems.

We need to be truly inspected. When we are cut we need to make sure it is not infected, yet somehow attention to detail and the admiration of a mystery has drifted out of the hospitals air vents. Leaving you to be nothing more than a mere person caught in between another person and a paycheck.

A flawed institution.


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