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In My Head

There is a dream world inside of my head, She is beautiful

I have built her diligently.

In this dream life, money isn't a factor and hate does not exist.

There are no limitations for people or places,

united under all of the nations.

This is a world where creativity thrives.

In this life we listen and understand one another.

Yelling is seldom & fighting is unnecessary.

We are open and receiving to new knowledge, perspectives and customs.

We adapt & have finally learned how to live comfortably next to one another.

We get to choose freely on what we'd like to do with our own daily lives.

We trust one another.

We work together, we build together

for the well being and advancements of one another.

We support one another, We always welcome each other.

We are connected.

All intertwined, In love and light.

We acknowledge the existence of another person, another being.

We save space and we make space.

We are free to spend our time answering our souls calling.

We enjoy the sunlight and we dance in the rain.

The days are bright and the nights seem short,

It is a world where the earth is yours.


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